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Kick Off The Summer With A Neighborhood Party! 

When does summer officially begin? As a child, it began at the last bell on the last day of school. As an adult, that changed to Memorial Day weekend at the end of every May. At Seacoast Events, summer begins when the summer kick-off party begins. 

Whether you are hosting a neighborhood block party or a more intimate backyard gathering, you’ll want activities to keep your guests entertained. From giant yard games to carnival game opportunities, Seacoast Events has all you need to throw the best summer kick-off party this month! 

inflatable games

Giant Games 

Some of our most popular services and products are our Giant Games. These larger-than-life-sized games such as Jenga, chess, cornhole, Connect Four, Malpractice (Operation), Lite Bright, Pop-a-Shot, Piano, and Twister can provide fun for hours for guests of all ages and abilities. 

In addition to these sizable games, our Larger-Than-Life Sports options take the fun to an entirely new level! Imagine friends and family playing Human Foosball as the actual characters, or throwing a giant axe at a target. 

Better yet, get your football-loving family members kicking the game-winning field goal in our Field Goal Challenge game, or practice your ice-sweeping techniques in our Curling Inflatable game. All of these options can be delivered, inflated, and ready to use by the time your first guests arrive. 

ping pong tables

Pub Games 

Hosting a summer party where you want to offer your guests more realistic games? Our billiards, foosball, air hockey, ping pong, dome hockey, electronic darts, pop-a-shot, or LED-lit cornhole Pub Games options are right for your crowd. 

These options come delivered and with all the equipment your crowd will need to have an afternoon or evening filled with fun times with friends and family. 

man playing bottle ring carnival game

Carnival Games 

Remember the sights and sounds of the carnivals that your parents used to bring you to? The bells (ding ding ding) alerting big winners at a nearby game, or the smell of freshly popped popcorn ready to be eaten? Make all of those memories come to life at your kick-off to the summer party! 

If you’re hosting a larger neighborhood party, then a full-fledged carnival option may be a great choice for your party. Our carnival package comes complete with tents, games, and attendants as well as those fun carnival prizes we remember from our childhood. 

Some of our more popular carnival games include basketball, Roller Bowler, Frog Launch, Ring Toss, Shuffle Puck, and more! Who doesn’t love a carnival to kick off the best season of the year? 

Summer is a time to relax a bit and get away from the stressors of everyday life. Our game packages, whether you choose Pub Games, Larger-Than-Life games, Giant Games, or a carnival option can make your party an epic one! Talk to our team today to request a quote and find out which options you may want for this year’s summer party. 


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